Workplace Training Services
Vicarious Trauma Training
Vicarious trauma (VT) refers to the negative transformation in the helper that results from empathic engagement with trauma survivors and their trauma material, combined with a commitment or responsibility to help them” (Pearlman & Caringi, 2009, p. 202)
VT is an occupational challenge for people working and volunteering in the fields of victim services, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire services, and other allied professions, due to their continuous exposure to victims of trauma and violence. This work-related trauma exposure can occur from such experiences as listening to individual clients recount their victimization; looking at videos of exploited children; reviewing case files; hearing about or responding to the aftermath of violence and other traumatic events day after day; and responding to mass violence incidents that have resulted in numerous injuries and deaths.
Vicarious Trauma Training provides participants with the knowledge, skills and tools to look after their own personal mental health and wellbeing, when dealing with people who have experienced trauma, or when working with difficult, emotional, sensitive or potentially traumatic material and information.
If you are Interested in these training modules for your workplace, contact us via the ‘Contact’ tab above!
Mental Health First Aid Training
Our Mental Health First Aid training program leads to greater organizational health and can reduce the costs associated with poor employee well-being. Mental Health First Aid training in the workplace can address employee stressors before they impact your company’s morale, your employees’ overall wellbeing and life satisfaction.
Backed by research, and delivered by experts, our workplace-based Mental Health First Aid program is people-focused and outcome-oriented, giving all team members practical skills to support mental health and wellbeing at work. We offer a depth of experience, delivering National workplace training for businesses across all sizes and sectors.
We work collaboratively with you to identify solutions most suited to the needs of your workplace. Backed by a team of experts, you’ll receive information, services, and resources to help you get the most out of our program.
Contact us for more information on what we can do for you and your team. .